Thursday, December 31, 2015

Dota 2 Deacon Frost Plays Venomancer [2042268981]

This game was a dual lane in the offlane with an Omniknight. Not my favorite match-up, but the heals made it work somehow.  I went my regular build Tranquils, Aquila into Aghs and the timing was just fine. The other lanes didn't lose too much and we were against an Arc Warden which is always a good sign that we already won before the game even begun lol ...

Arc Warden has a 40% at the moment according to the Dotabuff stats lol. I mean never bet on an Arc Warden on your team, it's never a good sign in any cases. After the laning phase, the game went pretty fast since we got all the outer towers easily. We got plenty of easy pick-offs with the Kunkka X Mark The Spot ability. It was a pleasant game for sure. gg wp!!!

Also, Happy New Year's Eve!!

Match ID: 2042268981

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Dota 2 Deacon Frost Plays Venomancer [2040231298]

Tinker. Tinker. Tinker. It was literally the name of the game for the first 40 minutes. It was so hard moving around the map without getting jump by Tinker. For some reasons, the rest of the Dire team was not that hard to deal with. Weaver was beginning to become a problem, but we were already 55+ minutes in so it does make sense in that way.

I didn't expect this game to last as long as it did, but it did anyway lol. Dotka is still freaking Dotka in the end of the day. We manage to hold highground just fine and got some decent pickoffs on Tinker which were pretty hard to get, but it was well worth it. We could only push when Tinker was dead pretty much that is why the game last over 70 minutes lol ... anyway gg wp!

Also, Happy Holidays!

Match ID: 2040231298

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Dota 2 Deacon Frost Plays Necrophos [2029759744]

This game was our troll game pretty much. The classic Deadman Snowball (Tusk/Necrophos combo) and it was pretty successful in the beginning. It was slightly rough at some point when the enemy team got some levels, but it was alright all through out the game. We always Walrus Punch and Scythe the person been snowball on and it was almost an instant kill every-time.

Once Wicket! got her Desolator, the damage output was enough to kill anything on the map. I would play this combo again anytime soon xD ... I used to play Undying/Tusk quite often when I was on my Undying kick, but the Necrophos/Tusk is pretty legit on it's own rights. We close this game with some serious high-ground defense which gave us a nice networth swing to get the items to end the game. gg wp!!

Match ID: 2029759744

Dota 2 Deacon Frost Plays Necrophos [2032872999]

Arc Warden and Drow Ranger in the same team ... Possibility the worst thing that could happen lol, but somehow it went just fine since Radiant didn't put enough pressure for some reasons. Needless to say with the Precision Aura and Necronomicons Aura, it was pretty easy to destroy towers and get super early raxes lol ... It was one of those I guess haha. gg wp!

Match ID: 2032872999

Friday, December 25, 2015

Dota 2 Deacon Frost Plays Lich [2261353262]

Lich is a simple hero to play and I have been enjoying quite a lot lately (like a lot lol I enjoy supporting with this hero since it's really easy to control the creep equilibrium with sacrifice which make most laning phase a breeze. Also, I am a big fan of maxing the frost blast, because it does so much damage and help zone out the opponent quite greatly. Later on, the frost armor is always helpful to boost the team survivability with a big of armor and a slow.

I tried to use the Lich ultimate as much as possible since the cooldown low. So once I'm level 6, I always try to frost blast into ultimate if I get the opportunity which result in some really satisfying early kills on the board (most of the time). However, this game was relatively hard with an Abaddon/Axe lane since we constantly dive, but we manage to salvage the situation with some Zeus ultimate here and there. The heals from the Treant Protector really help against that nightmare of a lane lol.

In summary, Lich is an amazing support hero with good presence all game.

Match ID: 2261353262

Dota 2 Deacon Frost Plays Abaddon [2181341708]

I am back on another Abaddon kick it seems. I'm just loving the shield ability so much to remove stun or silence at will. It gets pretty handy in tough situations. In this game, I was basically the front-liner for Sniper. I tank the Dire team and he ditch out the DPS we needed to win team-fight. It worked out pretty amazingly in the end all things considered.

I'm probably going to play a lot more of Abaddon. The Lich's kick is over for now lol.

Anyway, this game was really fun to play. gg wp!

Match ID: 2181341708

Dota 2 Deacon Frost Plays Undying [1912801631]

The game started a bit slow, but it was kind of a mess in the mid-game I got to say. We managed to hold with Wicket! Carry Treant Protector. Which is her basically getting a fast Midas into a rushing Aghanim's Scepter on Tree. All that vision around the map was pretty obscene with the early Eye of the Forest, I like it a lot every time. No need to buy anymore wards for the rest of the game haha.

I went Aghanim's Scepter first since it's my favorite thing ever on Undying at the moment. I feel like stealing 10 strength for every decay is just too good. Beside, the Radiant team were all pretty tanky so stealing all that strength was nice enough. Later in the game, I went for the Octorine Core which reduce my cooldowns on my Decays so it was even more ridiculous lol. Undying what a hero xD ...

Anyway, good game well played! fun times. #AlwaysCountOnCarryTree

Match ID: 1912801631

EG.UNiVeRsE Presents: Text Me Merry Christmas

Dota 2 Deacon Frost Plays Abaddon [2024832405]

I will always Pudge picker and even more when they are on my team, but this Pudge did deliver a lot during the early and mid-game. My laning phase in the offlane as core Abaddon went extremely smoothly, because of it. Wicket! (mid Necrophos) got a good timing on her Radiance which made the game super easy from there. I made sure to always have my Lotus Orb and Aphotic Shield up so I can throw them at Wicket! in team fights. Anyway, it was a really enjoyable game overall. Ez game. Ez life.

Also, Merry Christmas Everyone!

Match ID: 2024832405

Dotka is hard. Overwatch is great.


Lately, Dota has been so hard to win in that 6.88 patch for some reasons. I feel like I get pair up with a lot more Peruvians than usual lol. I can't even win with my game-winning heroes (Lich & Crystal Maiden), it's pretty rough honestly. I don't mind taking a break from all this madness and insanity until the next patch. I guess I will be playing a lot more of Overwatch in the upcoming weeks lol.

R.I.P. my sanity honestly -.-

At least there is a lot of good Dota to watch this month and the next with The Summit 5, Starladder and TI6. It's some serious good stuffs, but all those meta heroes can pub games so miserable at time. I just hope the next meta after TI6 will be a little bit more bearable. It won't prevent people from throwing in my games, but it will at least be a start. I can't wait to see Newbee and Secret play at The International this year, they look so god damn good at the moment.

source: edward5622

When the salt is way too high while playing Dota, I like to switch to some casual/ranked Overwatch. I really didn't want to play that game at first, but that game is literally everywhere now lol I had to try it. Everything turned out pretty good honestly, Overwatch feels like the Team Fortress 3 I didn't know I always wanted LUL. I started with Mercy/Symmetra for a little while, but Lucio ended been my comfort hero. His AOE heals is just too good for me I don't know. I started liking Reaper a lot lately as well, but I need to play a lot more games with it to get the right feel with it for sure. Anyway, I'm sure I'll play some Dotka in between my Overwatch games regardless, but TI6 is coming up so there is plenty of Dotka in the next few days.

I really need that skin now xD

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Dota 2 Deacon Frost Plays Doom [2340318620]

I wasn't exactly how we were going to win this game, but the Riki on my team went completely ham in the mid-game. I started in the jungle and then begun roaming around a bit and it worked out pretty well. I went Vlad into Crimson Guard so I was mostly a walking defensive aura and we could just roll over the radiant. I doomed the Anti-Mage as much as possible so he was a non-factor for a little while.

Blade Mail seems to be the item of choice on the 6.87 Doom lately. So I went for it after I was done with the items I wanted. Anyway Blade Mail got quite the buff in the new patch so I kind of understand why it got so much success. I'm pretty sure once Riki got his Diffusal Blade the game was over for the Radiant. Every gank seems to work with ease. Riki good hero 👌

▶ 6.87 Blade Mail (
     ● Now returns damage before any kind of reduction, and returns it in the same type as it was received
     ● No longer ignores Spell Immune enemies

Match ID: 2340318620

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Dota 2 Deacon Frost Plays Oracle [2015367775]

The 6.86 Oracle buffs were pretty decent, but I don't think I will be spamming him like crazy like in the past. He is a okay position 5, but beside that he feels really squishy. In 6.86, they reduce some cooldowns and mana cost of most of his spells which help him a lot, but the long cooldown on the ultimate is kind of still there which leave me like meh. In the end, 6.86 Oracle is better, but alright overall.

Match ID: 2015367775

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Dota 2 Deacon Frost Plays Abaddon [2017936886]

This game was different from the usual ... Supporting in the Farm Lane as Abaddon instead of the offlane. It worked out quite nicely in the end and Custodian just rolled over that game ROFL. I'm not so sure if I would have take another hero, but meh it was pretty entertaining game regardless. Ez game. Ez Life. gg wp!

Match ID: 2017936886

Monday, December 21, 2015

Dota 2 Deacon Frost Plays Abaddon [2008654313]

Yeah ... This game was kind of disaster ROFL. The classic all carry line-up with no one wanted to support xD ... I ended up laning with the Timbersaw and it was pretty so so in the end. I changed lane after a little while and it was okay from there. Even though the game was some kind of a shit show, it was pretty entertaining for some reasons lol. The Trench Tier life one could say I guess lol. gg wp!

Match ID: 2008654313

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Steelseries Radioshack DOTA 2 1v1 Event

Dota 2 Fast Item - Universe Abaddon » Vladmir's Offering » 12:56 [6.85]

Achievement: Universe's personal best Vladmir's Offering timing of 6.85 with Abaddon.

Date: 10/12/2015

Match ID: 1993608233

Dota 2 Fast Item - fy Visage » Aghanim's Scepter » 19:51 [6.85]

Achievement: Fastest Aghanim's Scepter timing of 6.85 on Visage by fy.

Date: 6/11/2015

Match ID: 1917711851

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Dota 2 Fast Item - BurNIng Vengeful Spirit » HOTD » 11:34 [6.85]

Achievement: BurNIng's personal best Helm of the Dominator timing of 6.85 with Vengeful Spirit.

Date: 9/12/2015

Match ID: 1991532094

Friday, December 18, 2015

6.86 How to Connect Pull on Radiant

Eighty Sixed: How 6.86 will change the Dota 2 meta

Dota 2 Deacon Frost Plays Abaddon [2008066035]

First 6.86 game with the crew and it went pretty smoothly. Custodian literally carried the game with his Ember Spirit tho lol. Wick went for the classic Carry Treant Protector (Fast Midas into Fast Aghs) which lighten up the map like crazy at minute 20 lol. It was definetly a good time. I got stuck with the randy, but we had a so so laning-phase.

Arc Warden such a weird hero, but he is pretty helpful at pushing tower so I kind of like it a lot in that sense. I am currently stuck on Abaddon offlane and it is freaking amazing I got to say. I got inspired by the infamous 6K player "logonbupt" offlane Abaddon build. I changed it a little for my liking, but all and all this build is godlike. Praise logonbupt! Saving NADota by himself.

Match ID: 2008066035

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Dota 2 Fast Item - iceiceice Clockwerk » Blade Mail » 10:00 [6.85]

Achievement: iceiceice s personal best Blade Mail timing of 6.85 with Clockwerk. »

Date: 26/10/2015

Match ID: 1895314854

Monday, December 14, 2015

Dota 2 Fast Item - iceiceice Doom » Vladmir's Offering » 8:50 [6.85]

Achievement: iceiceice's personal best Vladmir's Offering timing of 6.85 with Doom.

Date: 9/12/2015

Match ID: 1991666142

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Dota 2 Fast Item - iceiceice Slardar » Blink Dagger » 7:42 [6.85]

Achievement: iceiceice's personal best Blink Dagger timing of 6.85 with Slardar.

Date: 20/11/2015

Match ID: 1947084585

Friday, December 11, 2015

Dota 2 Fast Item - Super Alchemist » Radiance » 10:57 [6.85]

Achievement: Super's personal best Radiance  timing of 6.85 with Alchemist.

Date: 21/10/2015

Match ID: 1901927995

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Dota 2 Fast Item - Ritsu Lycan » Vladmir's Offering » 17:13 [6.85]

Achievement: Ritsu's personal best Vladmir's Offering timing of 6.85 with Lycan .

Date: 29/10/2015

Match ID: 1901235128

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Dota 2 Fast Item - Atun Alchemist » Radiance » 9:01 [6.85]

Achievement: Fastest Radiance of 6.85 and all patches by Unknown.Atun (World Record)

Date: 17/10/2015

Match ID: 1860498920

Dota 2 Fast Item - Ritsu Lone Druid » Radiance » 20:07 [6.85]

Achievement: Ritsu's personal best Radiance timing of 6.85 with Lone Druid.

Date: 11/10/2015

Match ID: 1860696973

Monday, December 7, 2015

Dota 2 EE-Sama Showing No Mercy With Nether Strikes

All Those Nether Strikes Cancel ...

Spirit Breaker? OSFrog? EleGiggle?

Match ID: 1986923590

Dota 2 Fast Item - Arteezy Lycan » Vladmir's Offering » 10:09 [6.85]

Achievement: Arteezy's personal best Vladmir's Offering timing of 6.85 with Lycan.

Date: 16/10/2015

Match ID: 1871463989

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Dota 2 Fast Item - Ritsu Anti-Mage » Battle Fury » 14:01 [6.85]

Achievement: Ritsu's personal best Battle Fury timing of 6.85 with Anti-Mage.

Date: 22/10/2015

Match ID: 1885100147

Friday, December 4, 2015

Dota 2 Fast Item - Atun Alchemist » Armlet of Mordiggian » 3:25 [6.85]

Achievement: Fastest Armlet of Mordiggian timing across all Dota 2 patches with Alchemist.

Date: 4/12/2015

Match ID: 1977598954

Killing Floor 2: Return Of The Patriarch Launch Trailer

Dota 2 Fast Item - Atun Shadow Fiend » Sange & Yasha » 11:34 [6.85]

Achievement: Atun's personal best Sange & Yasha timing of 6.85 with Shadow Fiend.

Date: 11/10/2015

Match ID: 1860414429

Dota 2 Fast Item - Atun Broodmother » BKB » 16:47 [6.85]

Achievement: Atun's personal best BKB timing of 6.85 with Broodmother .

Date: 26/10/2015

Match ID: 1894976357

Dota 2 Fast Item - Loda Tiny » Blink Dagger » 10:15 [6.85]

Achievement: Loda's personal best Blink Dagger timing of 6.85 with Tiny. »

Date: 25/10/2015

Match ID: 1892430943

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Dota 2 Fast Item - Loda Tiny » Aghanim's Scepter » 16:42 [6.85]

Achievement: Loda's personal best Aghanim's Scepter timing of 6.85 with Tiny.

Date: 5/11/2015

Match ID: 1916406689

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Dota 2 Fast Item - SingSing PL » Vladmir's Offering »11:45 [6.85]

Achievement: SingSing's personal best Vladmir's Offering timing of 6.85 with Phantom Lancer.

Date: 4/11/2015

Match ID: 1914471239

Dota 2 Fast Item - SingSing Juggernaut » S&Y » 21:04 [6.85]

Achievement: SingSing's personal best Sasha & Yasha timing of 6.85 with Juggernaut.

Date: 20/10/2015

Match ID: 1880740219

Dota 2 Fast Item - SingSing Venomancer » Hand of Midas » 7:07 [6.85]

Achievement: SingSing's personal best Hand of Midas timing of 6.85 with Venomancer

Date: 26/11/2015

Match ID: 196189349

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Dota 2 Fast Item - SingSing Tiny » Blink Dagger » 12:58 [6.85]

Achievement: SingSing's personal best Blink Dagger timing of 6.85 with his Tiny.

Date: 24/10/2015

Match ID: 1889859648

Dota 2 Fast Item - Atun Alchemist » Radiance » 9:01 [6.85]

Achievement: Fastest Radiance of 6.85 and all patches by Unknown.Atun (World Record)

Date: 17/10/2015

Match ID: 1860498920