Friday, December 25, 2015

Dota 2 Deacon Frost Plays Undying [1912801631]

The game started a bit slow, but it was kind of a mess in the mid-game I got to say. We managed to hold with Wicket! Carry Treant Protector. Which is her basically getting a fast Midas into a rushing Aghanim's Scepter on Tree. All that vision around the map was pretty obscene with the early Eye of the Forest, I like it a lot every time. No need to buy anymore wards for the rest of the game haha.

I went Aghanim's Scepter first since it's my favorite thing ever on Undying at the moment. I feel like stealing 10 strength for every decay is just too good. Beside, the Radiant team were all pretty tanky so stealing all that strength was nice enough. Later in the game, I went for the Octorine Core which reduce my cooldowns on my Decays so it was even more ridiculous lol. Undying what a hero xD ...

Anyway, good game well played! fun times. #AlwaysCountOnCarryTree

Match ID: 1912801631