Sunday, March 29, 2015

The UGC League Ward For Season 4


Man ... they just put their newest wards in the workshop and they look amazing. I will probably get me some of those when they will be in the market for sure. I mean they are literally fish wards LMAO ... so cute.  The fishes with a flash-light on their head to see in the dark xD lol. You can check the link below to see what I'm talking about it and if it interests you. Enjoy fellas!

You can check them on here:

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

SingSing Announcer Pack

Sup Boys!

Stop what you are doing right now and go upvote/favorite SingSing announcer pack on the Steam Workshop. ( I mean I loved the SingSing beaver-knight thing I'm sure as hell will support this! If you want to support Sing as well just signing on steam and vote that stuffs up for the workshop so it can go in the works. He estimates that it might be available after August, but you know Valve time. yeah ... Soon™

Here is a preview as well. Enjoy Fellas!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Dota is so hard sometimes

Sup Fellas!

I am currently hovering the 3200~ MMR Tier and boy it is impossible sometimes. I'm not even salty, I just don't get it when people give up a winnable game sigh. My last game, the Enigma just kept feeding courier probably, because someone on the team flamed his build or something, but damn son we were kind of winning lol and we lost in the end. It is so damn dumb man sigh. I guess it is just part of the game and I just got to get through it somehow. I was on a smooth 5 win streak so I was like yeah another easy one boys and then this game happened. 

I understand that was the first game of the day, but that guy can fuck off LMAO ... Look at this game and that Enigma was on a 8 win streak at the time and he gave it all up what a dumbass. I am currently spamming Oracle like a crazy man and when there is a Phantom Assassin on the team, it is freaking heaven. The game was not easy with the Slark and all that Mirana ultimate, but it was definitely manageable for sure. I'll just shake off this game out of my system and take a little movie break and eat something before I restart the horrible thing that is the MMR grind xD ... I don't feel like I am going to change my hero for a littlle while, I think I just find the sweet spot with Oracle. 

By that I mean I can enjoy the hero even when I losing looking game since they always some way to comeback with any clutch spell-casting of the ultimate. Some games are hopeless, but that is a given with Dota, you can't win when you are stuck with stupid that for sure. I was on 7 losing streak last week, I literally wanted to die LMAO ... in which I could have won 4 of those games omg, but people didn't give enough of a fuck to watch the mini-map for obvious incoming ganks lol jfc. I really doubt that I'll ever go back to Becky tho, her aura is legit, but she is kind of just there and I'm not about that life. She is a good support hero I'll give her that xD ... 

Silencer always going to be a good pocket support for me tho, all about that +2 life baaaby lol. I really doubt I'll play it right now, I'll say I played it enough for my taste at the moment. The kicks on Oracle is real as hell tho that I can assure you that I'll spam him for more and more games to come ( He is just so entertaining to play. I went to take a look at his numerous possible builds on DotaFire and found out a few extra combos that I wasn't even aware exist #Lazyness I guess xD ... But with  those new combos my games gotten even better than they always were haha. I didn't know Fortune's End could purge stuffs that is so good actually or that I could use a combo of Faith's Edict and Purifying Flames to heal myself and teamates were hurting them lol. 

That is so legit holyhell lol ... For the items build for Oracle are pretty common, nothing out of the ordinary. I always god Tranquil / Euls and support items and I'm pretty set, the rest is usually not useful or just luxury in general. I wanted to try Spectre and Phantom Lancer, but I tried them and I still prefer playing Support at the moment in my games. If I really feel a binge to play a carry, I'll go Ursa or Viper probably for now. On another note, I really miss having a mid Night Stalker on my team lol. The ganks are so real when it gets night, it's so satisfying seen him dive and not dying since he is so god damn fast LMAO and the space that is created is phenomenal. For some reason, in every game I got lately we always end up rushing mid into the throne without the side tier 2 down lol.

I'm not exactly a fan of doing that seems it's not exactly the safe way to win, but it is a win in the end so I'll guess I'll just take it as it is. I might have to check out Troll Warlord since he is highly pick in higher pub bracket. Wicket! gotten 2 easy wins with the hero a few days hero and it might end up being a perfect hero for her to spam she said. That battle trance is godlike I must say and Troll is usually good at any state of the game and the late game potential is there. He literally destroy towers in a blink of an eye what a balance hero lol ... I think I played it once or twice, but I'm pretty sure I didn't play it with the right skills/items build for sure. 

Definitely a hero worth trying if you ever search for a legit hero to spam to grind that precious and hard earn MMR of hell lol. I really want to burst that 3500 barrier, but it is so god damn hard to get up there lol. I lost like -150 points in that losing streak I got last week. I mean you know how they say, "anything that doesn't kill, makes you stronger" even though I almost die of saltiness LMAO ... All in good times boys, the current +25 tendency going pretty well with some -25 when I'm unlucky with the teamates that I get sometimes. Anyway, enough ranting for now I'm going to eat something and watch some movie. Have a good one boys! Don't get too salty.

TL;DR Rambling of a Canadian on Oracle. Current: 3257. The Struggle is freaking real.

Peace out boys!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Literally MMR Trench Tier Hell


Holyshit man ... I'm about to lose my shit LMAO. I just going to write a little to blow some steam and stuffs. Hopefully, it will delude some of that Trench Tier salt lol. I got below 3.3K MMR again with 3 losses in a row gahhh. My hero at the moment is Viper, but I might change it in a little while. I am not sure what to pick tho ... Axe, Troll or Sniper are not appealing to my liking at all lol and I most likely not spam those heroes. I want to try Spectre, but damn she needs so much fucking farm, I could build her early and stuffs and opt for the 25-30min  late Radiance or something. 

I might give it a shot who knows. The early build is usually phase/drums/urn, but I really need to try it first to be convince or else I just won't give a fuck about it lol. So Spectre is in the breeze and maybe other heroes that are good at any states of the games, but it really needs to be able to scale in the late games somehow. The current meta is pretty lame to be honest, but at least it is not the Tinker meta anymore omg that was awful. Beside Spectre, maybe Phantom Lancer, Abadon or Night Stalker I'll see. It will take a while to get that 4K Dream for sure, but for now 

I'll opt for that 3.5K goodness if I'm lucky enough. Today was not the day for Dota sadly. I'll probably play some more Viper regardless for the moment before I switch to that early Spectre combat mode. Hopefully, I can get some wins as well with her xD ... She is so fucking bad during the laning phase lol, but the rest of the game can be easy with the right items at the right time.

TL;DR Spectre might be my next hero. 3.5K Dream here we go. Current MMR: 3285~


Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Hardship of Support


OMFG I need a little break from this fucking madness which is supporting in solo queue lol. The Trench Tier can be bearable sometimes, but damn there so much dumb people out there which makes the game toxic as fuck lol. And now I got distacted and miss my queue FML lol. So I guess I'll right something while I wait for this 10 minutes suspended queue woo! What could one say hmm .... Well now, I am 3120 MMR and I vary between 3150~ like I win one and then inevitably lose one what a life lmao. Anyway, it's all good I'm sure I'll have one of those 3-1 games and climb that MMR one way or the other. That Support role can be so fucking hard sometimes, but I prefer offlaning or jungling for sure. 

I used to mind supporting, but I don't really give a fuck as long as I win lol. I mean after seems Kuroky playing the carry role for  a little while before Arteezy arrived I was like dammmmmmn that KKY sure knows how to carry. I learned later that he used to be a sick carry in Dota 1 and then everything made a lot of sense. I mean he is a godlike support and godlike hard carry, I thought at first both we're complete opposite, but I guess one can play anything to win in the end. I mean supporting have sure help me climb the MMR (like 220+ points so far), but there still some aspects of it that annoys me for sure. Like pulling and stacking, I ain't about that life lol. I more about that vicious harassing/ganking life so that why I don't mind playing carry as support lol even carries that shouldn't LMAO (ayyyy support Viper FTW baaaaby!!). 

For the moment, I got a thing for Silencer, Necrophos and Oracle. I mostly like them seems they can scale pretty well in the late game with there aghs upgrade and stuffs (minus Oracle, but his ultimate is godlike). I literally build Tranquil and Eul on all of them, so good for mana and that little extra movement speed is so godlike in some dicey situations lol Eul saved my life many many times. I'm going to like, I do buy a Midas sometimes when I get on tilt or/and salty lol I mean I'm like "Bitch, I buy wards and other supporting stuffs and yet you still don't watch the maps for ganks, Fuck Off already! lmao". Some people are just not worth supporting in those cases, I'll buy the first set of wards with courier and upgraded courier after all that I'll just rush Midas then can buy their own fucking stupid wards that won't even help them seems they are all blind as fuck anyway. On the other hand, some people do deserve to be supported so  I'm all about that and buy all the extra supporting bullshit like sentries oulala!!! 

I don't even care to be solo support just don't be an idiot and I'll do my best to support this unwinnable game LMAO. It's a lot easier to duo support, but it doesn't secure the win all the time that's why I don't give a single fuck about it. Man ... there some games that literally lose my fucking mind lol, people building the most stupidest shit on some carry and single-handy lose the game, that is awesome! you are so cool dude!!! Fuck. The heroes that I do like to support the most for now are PA, Spectre and Troll. I mean they all have mad mid/late game it's so good. I do hate been against them, but not as much as Tinker. 

I really want to get to that 4K Trench Tier to get those "super high skill" games, I mean I'll aim for those for sure. Until then, hopefully I can survive this hell which is the 3K Trench Tier. In the end, it is what it is, some stuffs are worth fighting for and some absoletly not, but somehow almost eveyrthing found it way back. My suspended queue is finally lift, time to try hard again for a few more games, no more MRR loss PLS xD ... I mean I ain't about that MMR loss life lol. I guess I'll see! Good luck in your games as well people!

TL;DR Supporting is hard, but necessary. I miss offlane and jungling sometimes. I'll be back :)


Friday, March 6, 2015

Back To The Trench Tier


Well damn, I finally recalibrated with 2927 for my solo MMR. I guess I am not a 3k scrub just yet xD On the bright side, its just a few games away if everything goes according to plan. I've been spamming Silencer in the meantime for most of my games with an occasional Ursa on the side. I used to spam my games with Doom and had a pretty good winrate with it, but he is not as strong as he used to be. He got nerfed a lot in the previous patch which makes me a sad Canadian lol. On the other hand, Ursa is still the same old, but he is kind of a early game hero and fall off in the late game since he can easily be kite around. I might try Oracle or/and Winter Wyvern.

Winter Wyvern does sound OP in some scenario and Oracle ultimate looks pretty interesting. I'm not exactly sure how I'm suppose to support with those heroes tho lol I guess I'm just going to go YOLO and see what happens. In that I mean I'll probably read the abilities while getting rekt in my ranking games lol. I wish I could have test those heroes in some party ranking games, but unfortunately I don't have that luxury anymore. In the end, it is what it is; letting go is not as easy as they say. I mean how you say "everything has an end, but every ending is a new beginning" so until next time as always! For the moment, let's enjoy some more of that Dota thing. Oui ?! :)

I'm mostly aiming around 3.5k for my next MMR goal which was my ranking when I first left the game. Hopefully, my spam heroes will be able to  handle the Trench Tier which can be brutal in some games. There some games that are just filled with salt that are just a hot mess. I guess I'll have to wait and see with the players I get in the Trench. Both Oracle and Winter Wyvern got good harassment spells for low mana cost, but I'm not sure if I'll like them. The Silencer's spells are pretty good that why I don't mind playing him as support. It's pretty easy to force a hero out of lane with just Last Word/Curse of the Silent lol. For now, back to the Trench Tier it is :D !!

TL;DR All about that solo ranked life. Next stop, Oracle or/and Winter Wyvern to be determined.

Have a nice Friday!

Dota 2: Riku Going Ham On That Hill


Riku with the plays.
On one of his favorite hero, Becky.
You can follow him on his Twitter:


Dota 2: Deacon Frost Support Ursa HYPE


I mean just go boots first.
Go YOLO and call it a day LMAO ...
Warning, sometimes it may not work at all!
