Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.

Sup Fellas!

Every single time I play Oracle there always a new combination I find amusing and I am still amaze by that hero even after all the 30+ games in a row that I played him xD ... I thought I would get tired soon enough, but I still enjoy him quite greatly. I'll probably going to keep him until the next big patch for sure. I took a little break from Dota last weekend to binge watch "House of Lies" with Don Cheadle (A really good TV Show recommendation by Wicket! Thanks to her.) I went through all the 4 seasons and it was greatly amazing. 

It was somewhat addicting even though it was the sort of comedy that I'm not exactly used to. It kind of special lol, but you have to judge the TV Show by yourself. Don Cheadle is just godlike with that 4th wall thingy, literally staring at you every time something serious happen xD ... Come to think of it, House of Lies was one of those shows that was on the fence to watch, but I'm glad I watched it after all this time. Another show I need to watch is "Breaking Bad" with the guy from "Malcolm in the Middle". A lot of people watched that for some reason lol. Some people said it was some kind of dark humour show, I guess crude stuffs, but funny at the same time. 

I'll probably binge it at some point when I'll be bored or something. So after all that House of Lies binging, I am finally back with some Doters and played 4 games so far and still 2-2 so not much points were won lol. Dota is still Dota after all. I'm still stuck in that 3K Trench Tier lol ... If only I could pull through and get to the 4K Trench Tier that would be great. Even though it will probably be super hard, I ain't giving up on that. I'm sure I'll get it at some point. 

Everybody got their own secrets to survive through all that bullshit lol. I guess for me it is too spam a hero I love to try to stay sane as long as possible lol, because the trench tier can be beyond salty sometimes even when you are not in the mood to be mad xD ... Also, before I end this, you guys should watch "The Following" with Kevin Bacon. Man ... that last episode literally blew my fucking mind LMAO. A lot of stuffs that I didn't expect, let say it is not your typical show, but if you are in search for a good TV Show to get addict to that is the show. Alright, I going to lose a few more MMR before bed and good luck in your games fellas!

TL;DR Don Cheadle is godlike. House of Lies is literally a must-watch!! #4thWall
