Saturday, February 28, 2015

Dota 2: Wicket Night Stalker #JimmyHoPlays


I mean she still went 22 kills in that game ... xD
But hey that dive tho you know ...
Had to be in a highlight video :P


Thursday, February 26, 2015

#ThrowbackThursday: 1v1 Wicket! vs Deacon Frost


Well it is #ThrowbackThursday today.
I'll dedicated to the win I got agaainst Wicket! in our 1v1 match a year ago.
It was really closee, but I end up winning in the end. #FuckYeahFuckers


Dota 2: Wd40015's Sick Double Kill As Techies


Wd40015 does some pretty crazy plays sometimes.
That is clearly one of them for sure.
Enjoy :)

Dota 2: Baiting Into Wd40015 Remote Mines

Hey There!

I mean the title speaks for itself, but I'm not going to lie it was hilarious.
10/10 would do that again confirmed.


Dota 2: The Custodian‘s Chrono = Not So Pro


This one is about Custodian and his skill with Chrono ...
Which can be good and bad at the same time lol.
I mean everybody got their days :P ...


Dota 2: Wd40015 Perfect Mine Spot


Sooooooo Wd have been playing Techies a lot like a lot lmao.
I guess he want the hero to be in his top 3 with Ebola Spirit :P ...
I am probably biased, but his Techies is very good!


Dota 2: Wicket! Cogsblocking Literally


I mean it can be hard to play Clockwerk, but damn there can be some fails sometimes xD ...
That is clearly one of them :P

Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Drow Ranger Factor


Well a many many games with Drow Ranger. I guesss the verdict is pretty clear for me, she isn't that good for my style. She feeds way too much, it is so hard to stay alive with this hero holyshit ... I tried many differents like Shadow Blade, Blink Dagger and SnY, but at the end of the day you can barely escape a gank and 1v1 drow is not the best thing I've ever seen LMAO. As much as I love her Precision Aura, there is just some games that this thing won't be enough to win the game which is meh to me. So it was a fun run, but I'll probably choose some other heroes over her that are more for me. More escape and survivability with carry potential.


Sunday, February 15, 2015

Feeding For Days

Hey There!

Yoooooooooooo ... Dota is so hard these past few days. I'm not sure if it's me or if people as just dumb as hell sometimes LMAO. Who knows maybe it's a little bit of both, regardless it's quite something. I still enjoy the game a lot even with all that salt and rage lol. I feel like it might be the fact that I played unranked games. I mean ranked games feel a lot more serious lol, people don't just give up at the first team fight loss lol. They actually fight to the better end there, which I prefer greatly over the people in unranked games that just abandon right away since it less punishable to abandon in unranked vs. ranked games. Le Canadian Sigh.

I took a break from playing Ursa and I got in love in playing Weaver for some reason lol. Such an elusive hero and quite strong I must say. I guess enjoy the way he can get in and out of certain situations which make it versatile. I have like a 30% win rate on this hero tho, but some of the games I lost were definitely winnable so I would rely on that. I always go Midas on this hero no matter what which is probably not the best decision, but I love that item way too much on that hero lol. I sometimes go Radiance when I want to have a little more fun. Weaver hit so hard when he has the item and that double attack is so satisfying lol. Meow meow is so godlike on this hero now omg.

I am now at 70+ games played since I restart playing this toxic game. I still feed a lot when I should'nt, but that's me been too cocky in some situations where I should be more careful. I guess I like the thrill to live on the edge or to simply be greedy hehe. Midas is such a great item even thought it might be a losing item in some games, I just love it haha. I will probably more and more Weaver until I want to get back in doing Roshan non-stop with Ursa. I mean who doesn't like a free roshan gold/xp at any-time that you desire lol. For now, I hope I can at least play a game or two of year of the beast before it ends, but the Valve servers are so bad lately LMAO. Oh well ...

TL;DR I can't wait to get back to ranked games omfg! #RoadToDecentMMR #FeedingLess

Peace Out Girl Scout.

Dota 2: Get Rekt Kid by Wicket!


So earlier this week, Wicket! played her Clockwerk.
It was how we say ... interesting and some facepalm plays at time.
But she managed to do some crazy good plays as well like this one below.

You can compliment her on Twitter:


Friday, February 13, 2015

We Ain't About That Salty Life


LMAO ... Damn we get salty sometimes. I get salty too, that NaCl is so OP while playing some freaking normal matchmakinggames lol. This new hero, Winter Wyvern made so fucking salty all night yesterday, I literally wanted to die how hard it was to win a team fight when he was around. I guess we will all get used to it after a few more days of game around that painful hero. At least wth all the losts with got, we manage to win 2 pretty satisfing games and man that new Riki ultimate rework is kind of godlike, but I had an IO to heal me up so that might be the reason I didn't die that often. I will have to give a second shot without IO to see if Riki still sucks.

All and all, Duck Fota ... Ursa will probably be my next spam hero for a little while until he gets a nerf or something. I'm not going to lie I enjoy him way too much sometimes. One could say it can get boring, but I can put Ursa mid, jungle or farm lane which I can switch every game. The offlane can be alright sometimes if I can get a support with a stun.  I usually follow the same build like phase into vlads and then from there I switch it up with my 522 MS Ursa build, the blink build or the shadowblade one. It will mostly depends on the enemy hero so everything is pretty situation. I still get a kick everytime I play Ursa just like I did when I first play Lifestealer :P ...

TL;DR  NaCl and Ursa HYPE !!!


Monday, February 9, 2015

The Struggle Is Real


First of all, Fuck Dota. Secondly, hello how you guys doing ?!

I just had the most painful Dota game in like forever LMAO. These randos tho were so damn clueless, it was something else one could say. I mean how can one be so dumb in their own decision making lol. That game was in the bag since Wick end up with 586 LH on Terrorblyat so we definitely had the potential to melt the enemy base, but it didn't happen since the two randos kept been out of position over and over. I thought they would learn at some point, but nope they up with 28 deaths combine. I was so salty lol we were trying so hard and the farm was great, but the team fight had to be on point. Sadly, we didn't have a "team" with those two clowns. Game is hard boys.

Man ... after 3 months without Dota, I kind did miss it even with all that bullshit that come around every few games. Let's be real, Dota can so toxic as fuck lol, but all the good games can balance all this toxicness. I mean playing Ursa and going 15-0 during the laning phase was pretty hilariously fun and amazing or going full rat doto on Broodmother. There always good or bad in anything that is just the way of things I guess.  I am at 15-20 games played since I restart playing the game, I'm slowly, but surely getting back into the groove BABY. I did stop playing, but I kept following the pro scene so I still had an idea of what is hip or OP in the current patch.

Back to Dota eh? What's up tho! I'm probably going to play a lot of normal games until I go back into the MMR grind. I was a 3k scrub when I left off my stuffs, but right now I'm clearly a 1k scrub LMAO. I'm feeding a lot more than usual which is kind of normal since my map awareness is not exactly on point at the moment. I'll get there for sure tho, I'm still in love with the game even I get super salty and lose all faith in humanity in the span of one awful game lol. Shit happens, it's part of the game after all. My Solo MMR grind will resume soon enough, but not too soon. My party MMR was about the same in the 3k scrub tier. I'll see what I can do.

TL;DR The struggle is so real. Nice to be back to Doto. Ursa is still my homeboy. Dota is toxic.


Sunday, February 8, 2015

Dota - We, the Community (Documentary)


I'm pretty sure I saw all of that in the "Free To Play" by Valve,
but this one still pretty inspiring regardless. Dota 2 what a game.
A Film by Moritz 'Moose' Zimmermann (follow @


iceiceice Interview by Hotbid #DAC2015


So that is the interview of iceiceice that Hotbid did at #DAC2015.
Not exactly why iceiceice went for blond tho LMAO.
Whatever rocks his boat I guess lol.


Friday, February 6, 2015

Do you wanna play some Dota?


This is "Do you wanna play some Dota?" by Etybagig
Quite an interesting song about feeding.
Made me laugh, I had to share.


Today was a good day.


Today was quite a long day, but regardless it was a good one in the end. I wasn't too sure what to expect to be honest a lot of things happen in a short period of time which was quite surprising.  There is still plenty of things to catch up, but there plenty of time ahead for that.

So there was that and Vici Gaming breaking the 15-0 streak of Secret in their BO3 at #DAC2015. It was quite a nerve-racking series to be honest like Vici Gaming almost lost 2-0 against them. That game 1 is a must-watch for sure with all that painful Rat gaming lol with a Tiny/OI combo.

They are going to play there Winner Finals afterward this Saturday I'm looking forward to it. It will be either against Big God or Evil Genuises. Hopefully it will be EG if we're lucky, but Big God vs. VG might be a better series to watch.

Also, that creepy internet chick tho! LMAO.
