Saturday, April 30, 2016

Dota 2 Fast Item - TC Clinkz » Desolator » 15:33 [6.86]

Achievement: TC's personal best Desolator  timing of 6.86
Tournament: EPICENTER NA Qualifiers
Date: 28/03/2016

Match ID: 2256937352

Dota 2 Fast Item - Aui_2000 Anti-Mage » Vanguard » 9:20 [6.87]

Achievement: One of the first Vanguard on AM of the new 6.87 patch.
Tournament: WePlay League Season 3
Date: 29/04/2016

Match ID: 2329009921

Friday, April 29, 2016

Dota 2 Fast Item - TC CK » Armlet of Mordiggian » 9:10 [6.86]

Achievement: TC's personal best Armlet of Mordiggian timing of 6.86
Tournament: ESL One Frankfurt 2016 NA Qualifiers
Date: 13/04/2016

Match ID: 2293145754

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Dota 2 Fast Item - Bulldog Bristleback » C. Guard » 13:55 [6.86]

Achievement: Admiral Bulldog's personal best Crimson Guard timing of 6.86
Tournament:  WCA 2015
Date: 18/12/2015

Match ID: 2012851176

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Dota 2 Fast Item - Bulldog Batrider » Blink Dagger » 8:37 [6.86]

Achievement: Admiral Bulldog's personal best Blink Dagger timing of 6.86
Tournament:  SL i-League Invitational
Date: 16/04/2016

Match ID: 2298565632

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Dota 2 Fast Item - GeneRal BM » Necronomicon » 11:00 [6.86]

Achievement: GeneRal's personal best Necronomicon  timing of 6.86
Tournament: WePlay 3 EU Qualifiers
Date: 22/02/2016

Match ID: 2171209198

Monday, April 25, 2016

Dota 2 Fast Item - TC Anti-Mage » Battle Fury » 13:40 [6.86]

Achievement: TC's personal best Battle Fury timing of 6.86
Tournament: WePlay 3 Americas Qualifiers
Date: 22/02/2016

Match ID: 2171668128

Dota 2 Fast Item - TC Spectre » Diffusal Blade » 17:28 [6.86]

Achievement: TC's personal best Diffusal Blade timing of 6.86
Tournament:  ESL One Frankfurt 2016 NA Qualifiers
Date: 13/04/2016

Match ID: 2293212602

Dota 2 Fast Item - GeneRaL Batrider » Blink Dagger » 8:15 [6.86]

Achievement: GeneRaL's personal best Blink Dagger timing of 6.86
Tournament: WePlay 3 EU Qualifiers
Date: 26/02/2016

Match ID: 2180278248

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Dota 2 Deacon Frost Plays Abaddon [2313116941]

Abaddon is always my go-to hero when I'm not sure what to play. An easy right-click hero with two lives to work with when necessary. The early game was hell in this one though since we were against a trilane which always make things a little bit harder than usual. Honestly I'm never a fan when I'm against an Anti-Mage since those games can always get so hard and difficult to deal with. He got some pretty decent free farm in this game, but we manage to kill the rest of his team quite often which made the game quite fine after all.

Match ID: 2313116941

Dota 2 Fast Item - Dendi Templar Assassin » Desolator » 13:52 [6.86]

Achievement: Dendi's personal best Desolator timing of 6.86
Tournament:  WePlay 3 EU Qualifiers
Date: 26/02/2016

Match ID: 2180357452

Dota 2 Deacon Frost Plays Necrophos [2304427430]

This game was pretty surprising on the damage output side. I didn't expect that Necrophos/Venge dual lane would do so much damage, but it really did. I mean would definitely play this match-up again in the future. Heartstopper Aura and the Venge passive made the lane really easy to harass and the kills were just going on and on lol. I recommend this dual lane for sure!

Match ID: 2304427430

Dota 2 Deacon Frost Plays Lich [2306385173]

The classic Doom/Lich dual lane in the offlane. It worked like a charm in this game. A lot of way to not die and enough stuffs to harass the enemy carry to get some pretty early kill potential on them. Doom is not the most popular hero in pubs at the moment, but I was glad to have one in this game and it was really amazing. It's definitely one of my lane partner favorite with Lich.

Match ID: 2306385173

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Dota 2 Fast Item - Dendi Death Prophet » Eul's Scepter » 10:42 [6.86]

Achievement: Dendi's personal best Eul's Scepter timing of 6.86
Tournament:  WePlay 3 EU Qualifiers
Date: 02/02/2016

Match ID: 2123593362

Dota 2 Fast Item - Dendi Viper » Mekansm » 15:37 [6.86]

Achievement: Dendi's personal best Mekansm timing of 6.86
Tournament: ESL One Manila EU Qualifiers
Date: 15/02/2016

Match ID: 2154521505

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Dota 2 Fast Item - Dendi Zeus » Aether Lens » 8:37 [6.86]

Achievement: Dendi's personal best Aether Lens timing of 6.86
Tournament:  ESL One Frankfurt 2016 EU Qualifiers
Date: 07/04/2016

Match ID: 2279117763

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Dota 2 Fast Item - Dendi Invoker » Hand of Midas » 7:05 [6.86]

Achievement: Dendi's personal best Hand of Midas timing of 6.86
Tournament:  Dota Pit League Season 4
Date: 01/02/2016

Match ID: 2121397355

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Dota 2 Fast Item - Dendi Invoker » Aghanim's Scepter » 13:09 [6.86]

Achievement: Dendi's personal best Aghanim's Scepter timing of 6.86
Tournament: Dota Pit League Season 4
Date: 20/03/2016

Match ID: 2236659920

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Dota 2 Fast Item - Atun Alchemist » Radiance » 9:01 [6.85]

Achievement: Fastest Radiance of 6.85 and all patches by Atun (World Record)
Tournament: The Frankfurt Major 2015
Date: 17/10/2015

Match ID: 1860498920

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Dota 2 Wicket! Victory Dances

Aren't you having a giggle there mate?!? xD
That fucking Undying taunt man LUL.

Match ID: 2297569109

Dota 2 Deacon Frost Plays Doom [2297638706]

In this one I was solo laning in the offlane against Rubick and Faceless Void. It was not too bad, I got the regen creep early so I was able to survive the laning stage just fine I'll say. The overall was still as enjoyable as ever with Wicket! kicking the mid-lane ass with a mid Ogre Magi LUL. I'm still waiting for that 6.87 patch to see if I can still spam some of that sweet Doom hero!

Match ID: 2297638706

Friday, April 15, 2016

Dota 2 Deacon Frost Plays Doom [2295173158]

The overall of this game was pretty damn hard. I think I should have went Blink Dagger at some point as well, but I wanted to get my other items first xD ... We had Wicket! on Earthshaker so we could deal with PL easily and it worked out perfectly. The laning phase was a bit hard since we were double melee, but we manage to catch really fast in the mid-game so it's all good.

Match ID: 2295173158

Dota 2 Deacon Frost Plays Doom [2284591357]

I had quite a decent time dual offlane with the Undying. Once we got our early levels, it was pretty easy to dive in the tower and get some kills which was satisfying as hell lol. Tombstone slow them and I can chase them with Doom with ease most of the time. Since Doom got back in the pro scene, it been really nice playing him again. Lucy is literally the king with this early build (Tranquil/Drums)

Match ID: 2284591357

Dota 2 Operation: Saving The Canadian

I live to fight another day woooooooooooooooo!!! lol.
But R.I.P. Wicket! Shaker tho.
Worthy sacrifice xD ...

Match ID: 2295173158

Dota 2 Easy Fight To The Raxes

Easy All The Things I'll Say.
>Good Game, Well Played!

Match ID: 2295173158

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Dota 2 Fast Item - Limmp Brewmaster » Blink Dagger » 6:04 [6.86]

Achievement: Limmp's personal best Blink Dagger timing of 6.86
Tournament: Canada Cup 6
Date: 20/01/2016

Match ID: 2093093353

Dota 2 SVG The Master Courier Sniper

One of the best best Earth Spirit in the NA Scene
Based SVG with the savage courier snipe.
Easy early game sir!

Match ID: 2093093353

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Dota 2 - The Classic 8000 MMR BM Ending

The only best kind of bad manners after a high MMR game.
Only in 7.9K MMR Game Average.
#MangoBay #HappyLittleTrees #Dank #BM

Match ID: 2292660125

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Dota 2 Fast Item - Admiral Bulldog Broodmother » Orchid » 9:42 [6.85]

Achievement: Fastest Orchid Malevolence of 6.85 by Alliance.Bulldog
Tournament: The Summit 4
Date: 06/10/2015

Match ID: 1848115232

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Dota 2 Deacon Frost Plays Necrophos [2268704399]

Necrophos always been one of my niche heroes. Both his passives make him so good and fun to play in my opinion. There is also many ways to itemize him to play a more supporting role or a straight up carry. His Aghanim's Scepter Ultimate is just godlike I just love it. (Increases damage per health missing, decreases mana cost for level 1, and decreases cooldown for levels 1 and 2. Disables Buyback for killed heroes.)

The No Buyback thing is just great on the later stage of the game and it increases the threshold of Reaper's Scythe which I don't mind at all to be honest ayyy. I'm pretty sure I should have got myself a Refresher Orb in this game though. It feels like it could have turned things around even more. I need to binge some more Necrophos this hero so entertaining. Give it a try!

Match ID: 2268704399

Dota 2 Fast Item - Mushi Mirana » Linken's Sphere » 13:39 [6.86]

Achievement: Fastest Linken's Sphere timing of the 6.86 patch.
Tournament:  WePlay 3 SEA Qualifiers
Date: 13/03/2016

Match ID: 2220092232

Friday, April 8, 2016

Dota 2 Fast Item - Cr1t Sand King » Force Staff » 9:31 [6.86]

Achievement: Fastest Force Staff timing of the 6.86 patch.
Tournament: Shanghai Major Finals
Date: 02/03/2016

Match ID: 2193199056

Dota 2 Fast Item - Eternal Envy Spectre » Radiance » 18:24 [6.85]

Achievement: Fastest Radiance on Spectre of 6.85 by Secret.EternalEnvy
Tournament: ESL One at New York 2015
Date: 17/10/2015

Match ID: 1839958449

Dota 2 - Double Frost Blastered To The Face

You just got to trust the Frost Blasts sometimes.

Dota 2 - Perfect Guardian Angels

I mean it worked out just fine Ill say 👌 👌 👌

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Dota 2 Fast Item - MATUMBAMAN Gyrocopter » Satanic » 20:32 [6.86]

Achievement: Fastest Satanic timing of the 6.86 patch.
Tournament: WePlay 3 EU Qualifiers
Date: 01/02/2016

Match ID: 2121502515

Friday, April 1, 2016

Dota 2 Fast Item - swindle Abaddon » Aghs » 22:09 [6.86]

Achievement: swindlemelonzz's personal best Aghanim's Scepter timing of 6.86 on Abaddon
Tournament: ESL One Manila Americas Qualifiers
Date: 10/02/2016

Match ID: 2142836969